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To explore the different subdomains from our Wheel of Sustainability, click on one of the Domains or scroll down to the complete list below.



Labor & Employment

This sub-domain includes indicators that measure the relative level of salaries compared to the local, regional or national level, required skills or competence, and the availability of jobs.  This refers also to the permanency vs. seasonal positions.


Wealth Distribution

Distribution of wealth encompasses how the aquaculture company distributes its wealth in the local, regional or national community. Municipal taxes may be one such indicator.


Financial Performance

The financial performance of the aquaculture company as measured by several possible indicators, e.g. profits, EBIT , EBIT/kg, ROI , ratio between production and mortality/loss, and difference between price and total cost (excl. salaries).


Production Costs

This sub-domain includes indicators that refer to different aspects of production costs, such as feed, transportation, slaughtering, labor, investment, capital and access to credit, but also environmental monitoring and measurements. It refers to the cost of treatment of diseases and parasites, such as vaccines, therapeutic treatments, non-medical treatments and veterinary services.


Indirect Effects on Economic Activity

The aquaculture company may make investment in public infrastructure that benefits the local community, e.g. roads, buildings, piers, slips, broadband, and housing. This sub-domain also includes ripple effects such as local businesses established throughout the supply chain, e.g. net-makers/cleaners, smokehouses, supply and waste management, or other businesses funded by aquaculture money.


Investments in Technology & Innovation

This sub-domain includes investments done in research and innovation projects which may lead to development of new technology.


License & Permit Conditions

This sub-domain encompasses the conditions pertaining to how licenses and permits are obtained by the aquaculture industry, including price, length of the permit, type of ownership, and conditions of rent, as well as conditions for production set in obtained licenses and permits.



Abiotic Effects

This sub-domain includes how impacts on local habitat and water quality are assessed, and whether key environmental variables, such as terrestrial, seabed, and water resources are continuously monitored, and subsequent preventive or corrective actions.


Biotic Effects

This sub-domain includes how impacts on native species are assessed, whether biodiversity in the surrounding areas is continuously monitored, and means to ensure limited interaction with wildlife, such as measures to prevent escapes. Biodiversity includes birds, mammals, fish and bottom fauna.


Emission & Waste

This includes the assessment of environmental impacts caused by production waste and pollution through mortality, feed, the use of chemicals, etc. Further, it relates to what extent biological and non-biological waste is handled in a proper and responsible manner, through for instance recycling. 



This sub-domain includes the composition and traceability of raw materials in feed as well as the efficiency of how the salmon is fed. Examples of indicators are feed factor, use of trimmings, and fishmeal/Fish Oil Forage Fish Dependency Ratio.


Energy Consumption & GHG Emissions

This includes assessment of efficient and sustainable use of energy, and continuous monitoring of emissions throughout the production chain.


Fish Health & Welfare

This concerns measures taken by the aquaculture company to ensure the health and welfare of salmon and cleaner fish. This sub-domain includes monitoring of diseases and parasites, vaccines, therapeutic treatments, extent of mortalities, etc.


Mitigation Measures

This sub-domain includes the existence of contingency plans, clean-ups, emergency plans, and established routines to deal with potential mishaps.



Representation & Negotiation

This sub-domain includes the presence and influence of stakeholders facilitated through available forums where different interests and concerns can be communicated and discussed. It also contains the encouragement of participation and inclusion of the local community through access to information regarding the company’s operations, intentions, and plans. Resources and capacity to receive and process criticism and complaints, and evidence of how such conflicts are handled is also encompassed by this sub-domain.


Coordination of Interests & Activities

This includes the coordination with other activities in the area, such as fisheries, recreation, and tourism, such as planning capacity and willingness to deal with conflicts from multiple uses of marine space and resources, e.g. conflicts of interest, displacement of other activities, and general loss of amenity. Also collaboration and coordination with nearby aquaculture facilities and their production is included. Participatory marine spatial planning, as instigated by government or by shared agreement, is also underneath this sub-domain. 



This sub-domain includes how the siting process of aquaculture location is undertaken. It encompasses whether protected areas and waterways with migrating salmon is considered, and whether assessment and knowledge about nearby eco-systems are included.


Transparency & Traceability

This sub-domain includes how the aquaculture company allows for openness surrounding daily operations, and the decision-making process. This also includes the accessibility and circulation of information, both on own initiative and on request. Additional information may include e.g. degree of accessibility, available information channels, choice of language, and format. Both internal transparency within the company and external transparency towards the public, as well as record-keeping are part of this sub-domain.      


Accountability & Enforcement

This includes knowledge of and compliance with all applicable national and local rules and regulations by the aquaculture company, as well as enforcement and sanctions when rules and regulations are not followed. Whether or not the company has internal requirements to behavior, and/or internal audits is also included.


Social Assurance

This sub-domain includes upholding the rights of employees, based on national regulations and as stated by the International Labor Organization (ILO)– e.g. freedom of association, basic wages, contracts, working hours, equality in hiring process, and no discrimination.


Health and safety is also included here, meaning requirements of use and availability of personal protective equipment, as well as necessary training.  An emphasis on upholding a safety culture through training, health plans, and a focus on potential risks in procedures and contingency plans is encompassed. 


Food Safety

This sub-domain includes how food safety is ensured throughout the production chain. This may be done through for instances procedures, HACCP, quality systems and risk assessments.



Enquiry & Learning

This includes the company's engagement in research and development. This can be realized through the collaboration on behalf of the aquaculture company with the local community, schools, universities or others for research, knowledge-building and dissemination purposes.    


Respect for Native Culture

This sub-domain is about ensuring that the company’s activities respect, value and promote the ancestral culture of the region.


Employee Interests & Well-Being

This includes how the company ensures the well-being of the employees through initiatives such as development of expertise, career advancement opportunities, language and integration courses for foreigners, social events, etc. Also procedures for conflict resolution between workers and between employer/employees are included.


Social Capital of Local Communities

This sub-domain includes how the aquaculture company attempts to sustain and promote the social capital of the community, or in other words, the social fabric of the community, e.g. resources, relationships, social networks, and adaptive capacity. Elements of this may be expressed in the form of a social license.



This includes how the company may be seen to be upholding and improving the social structures in the local community, such as gender equality, age non-discrimination, and by ensuring a generational approach.


Community Integration

Community integration is about fostering a sense of identity between the company and the local community, and about taking initiatives to make the employees feel integrated in the company, and creating a sense of belonging.


Community Contributions

This sub-domain includes how the aquaculture company can be seen to contribute to the local community by e.g. donating money to local communities, e.g., schools, sport teams, events, or by hosting or sponsoring events.

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